
Campaigns & Offers

We offer various deals and discounts when booking your stay at our Hotels & Resorts.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.


15% off your stay this summer!

Book your stay at Napoléon Bonaparte anytime between May 3rd and July 11th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our rooms

The Alps

15% off your stay in April!

End the ski-season with a stay at Hotel Tango between April 14th and April 20th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking. 

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our Rooms

15% of your stay in April!

End the ski-season with a stay at Hotel Tignes 2100 between April 12th and April 20th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking. 

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our Rooms

Get 15% off your stay!

Get a 15% discount on your end-of-season stay in Chamonix!  The offer is valid for all new reservations from March 23rd until April 30th.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our Rooms

15% of your stay!

End the ski-season with a stay at Ski Lodge Victors between March 23rd and April 20th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking. 

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our Rooms

15% of your stay!

End the ski-season with a stay at Hotel Le Petit Prince between March 22nd and April 12th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking. 

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our Rooms

15% of your stay!

End the ski-season with a stay at Ski Lodge La Vielle Ferme between March 22nd and April 5th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking. 

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our Rooms

Summer offer in Chamonix

15% discount on your summer stay! 

Book your stay at Hotel Gustavia anytime between June 6th and July 18th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our rooms

15% discount on your summer stay! 

Book your stay at Hotel Tignes 2100 anytime between June 6th and July 18th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our rooms

15% discount on your summer stay! 

Book your stay at Hotel Le Petit Prince anytime between June 6th and July 18th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our rooms

15% discount on your summer stay! 

Book your stay at Ski Lodge La Vielle Ferme anytime between June 6th and July 18th, and enjoy a 15% discount on your booking.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our rooms


Special March offer

Get 10% off your stay at Resort Fort Royal in March. Book now and enjoy an unforgettable experience! Offer valid for new bookings only and subject to availability.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our Rooms

Enjoy a 10% discount on your next booking!

Book your stay at least 1 month in advance ! Get up to 10% off for any reservation between February and April 2025. Valid on all new reservations, subject to availability.

All discounts are automatically applied when selecting your room.

Our Rooms

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