Below you will find the timetables to access the different ski areas. For any questions, ask in the reception!
The timetables is valid from 21 December 2024.
The closest bus stop from Gustavia is ‘‘Place de Mont Blanc’’
SKI 2 - Les Grands Montets
The bus runs every 30 minutes during rush hour.
Line 2 - Le Tour
The bus runs every 30 minutes, except for Sundays and holidays during the off-season, when there will be 1 bus each hour.
The closest bus stop from Gustavia is ‘‘Place de Mont Blanc’’
SKI 1 - Les Praz Flégère
The bus runs every 30 minutes, every day from 6:15 am to 8:49 pm, except for Sundays and holidays during the off-season, when there will be 1 bus each hour.
Line 1 - Les Praz Flégère
The bus runs every 30 minutes, every day from 6:15 am to 8:49 pm, except for Sundays and holidays during the off-season, when there will be 1 bus each hour.
Line 2 - Le Tour
The bus runs every 30 minutes, every day from 6:15 am to 8:49 pm, except for Sundays and holidays during the off-season, when there will be 1 bus each hour.
The closest bus stop from Gustavia “Les Planards''
Line 14 - Le Brévent - Les Planards
Line 14 allows having a bus to Brevent or Chamonix every 10 minutes during rush hours.
See timetable here >>
The closest bus stop from Gustavia is ‘‘Place de Mont Blanc’’
Ski 3 (direct bus) -> Le Tour
Line 2 - -> Le Tour
Train from Chamonix to Valloricine.
The closest bus stop from Gustavia is ‘‘Place de Mont Blanc’’
Ski 1 (direct bus) Le Prarion -> Les Praz
8.00-10.00 & 16.00-17.30 the bus runs every 30 minutes.
Line 1 - Les Houches -> Chamonix -> Les Praz -> Flégère
The bus runs every 30 minutes all year round, every day from 6:12 am to 8:44 pm, except for Sundays and holidays during the off-season, when there will be 1 bus each hour.
The bus departure from Chamonix Sud Bus station.
Departure from Chamonix:
8.30 am, 9.30 & 11 am
Departure from Courmayeur
2 am, 4.15 am & 5.30 am
Unlimited ski pass: Day return trip 15€
Without unlimited ski pass: Day return 22€
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